Over the last few weeks, all of us here at the Dale Murphy Free Press were able to spend some time with the various GM's in the Murph League. Our main goal was to put the screws to them and coerce just one name from them. This player would be the guy they held in the highest regard. The lists have all been compiled to form "The Pride of the Organization".

The Schrutes posted a league best 108 wins last season. Its no secret that much of their success can be attributed to the play of one man, Walter Reed. Reed (5 HR, 18 RBI) can easily be classified as one of the best sluggers in the history of the Murph League and his 573 career homers sees him bearing down on Cal Cook, another of the Murph Leagues all time greats. "Walter was an easy choice" said kdforester, the Scranton GM. "With 4 MVP's already and now just 30, he should easily have a few more left in him." With Reed in the lineup, Scranton is sitting on a gold mine. They are just hoping that vein doesnt go dry.

The Donkey Show have arguably been one of the most consistent baseball teams in the Murph League over the last three seasons. Unfortunately, being in the AL East has meant playing some of the toughest competition around. Their fortunes, however, look to be on the up, thanks in part to the play of second year man Stuffy Halter. Halter (2 HR, .226 BA) is off to a slow start but New York GM kevinbums doesnt seem to be bothered in the least. "Hes one of the best all around hitters we have and while hes not off to the greatest start, hes not someone theres any chance we'll give up on." I agree with Kevin! You cant give up on a guy with a name like Stuffy.

For the last 15 years, the Eagles have been a staple of consistency. As they seek their 11th Division title and their 3rd Murph Series Championship, alot of their success will ride on the backs of their bullpen and more importantly their closer, Andy Clemens. "Hes one of the best closers i've ever seen" said GM david575. "He may get 500 saves before he's done." I would say that there is a good chance of Clemens (7 SV's, 1.42 ERA) reaching the 500 save mark and I would imagine the Eagles will have racked up an insane amount of wins along the way.

When the books had been closed on Dovers season last year, they found themselves in the basement of the AL East. Its a place that no hard working GM wants to find themselves. Unfortunately, there are 8 of them each season and they all share a common goal, resurrection. Dover GM cobcommish knows his club is capable of a resurrection and alot of their success hinges on the right arm of Tito Petkovsek. "Hes never afraid to pitch inside and that makes him an intimidating force on the mound." Petkovsek (3-1, 2.06 ERA) has yet to finish a season with less then 15 wins and like cobcommish said, hes an intimidating force on the bump. I mean how could you not be intimidated by a guy that rocks the eye black everytime he takes the hill?
Looking Ahead...
Coming up next in the "Pride of the Organization", we will what the NL South has got cookin'!
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